To visit or enter a temple a slendang/ shash and sarong are required. Often a small donation is requested.
This temple located in the village of Banyupoh has been built of a cliff close to the sea. The temple is inhabited by monkeys, therefore the monkeys are seen as sacred. As this temple is located along the main road to Gilimanuk many people stop here to offer and pray for a save journey. On the road to Menjangang island you will pass this temple.
At ± 1,5 hour drive from Singasari-Kokokan.
Pura Maduwe Karang
Located in the village of Kubutambahan. Pura Maduwe Karang is devoted to the spirits of the earth to assure a good harvest. It is been said that because the local radja converted himself to Christianity at the beginning of the 20th century he left the management of the temple to the villagers, therefore the decorations of this temple are more popular in the way demons, domestic life, lovers and even a civil servant on a bicycle are. At ± 30 min drive from Singasari Kokokan.
Pura Dalem Jagaraga
11 km east of Singaraja. A unique temple for the death decorated with reliefs inspired on western themes like Europeans driving a T-Ford, a plane crashing into the sea and a steamboat attacked by seamonsters. At ± 30 min drive from Singasari-Kokokan.
Pura Beji
Located in the village of Sangsit just past Singaraja. The temple has been built out of pink sandstone. Pura Beij is a subak temple devoted to Dewi Sri, the goddess of agriculture. At ± 30 min. drive from Singasari-Kokokan.
Ponjok Batu
East past the city of Singaraja. This temple is built on a sea cliff. The region is known for this kind of black stone (batu means stone). Around the temple lots of Frangipani trees and several springs. As this temple is located along the main road to Karangasem many people stop here (even the bemos) to pray for a save journey. 30 min. drive from Singasari-Kokokan